ICBA Daily News for September 14, 2023

Our Jordan Bateman gives you the heads-up on Canada falling even further behind in building new homes, how Edmonton and Vancouver are dealing with budget issues, and a surge in apprentices in B.C. ๐Ÿ  Wouldnโ€™t it be great to have a day where we report positive housing...

ICBA Daily News for September 13, 2023

Our Jordan Bateman gives you the heads-up on two more surveys showing how cash-strapped people are, how the feds just blew billions of your tax dollars, and how the BC governmentโ€™s dilly-dallying just cost taxpayers $1 billion and patients three years. For links to...

ICBA Daily News for September 12, 2023

Our Jordan Bateman gives you the heads-up on more bad national economic news, what B.C.โ€™s rent cap means, and just how much the Trudeau governmentโ€™s energy plans will jack up new housing construction costs. ๐Ÿ“‰ Desjardins Economics is out with a new report showing what...