Training Tuesday – Solid Facts on Concrete

ICBA’s BC Construction Training Centre is dedicated to connecting members and the rest of the construction industry with the training they need for their employees and their companies to get ahead. Every Tuesday is Training Tuesday on the ICBA Independent Blog, and...

Public pay premium hurts construction

ICBA has highlighted the problem with the 14% public pay premium recently revealed by the Fraser Institute in posts here and here. Our column on the direct impacts in construction ran today in the Journal of Commerce. Construction companies face higher fees and taxes...

Spots open in electrician certificate course

A pair of spots  have just opened up in Sprott Shaw College’s Level 1 Electrician program starting on Tuesday, Feb. 12 at their Port Coquitlam campus. This ITA-BC Approved modular program provides opportunities for Electrical Apprentice’s to gain employable...

Sending home foreign workers hurts B.C.

British Columbia’s labour leaders may be calling the homeward-bound trip for 16 Chinese temporary foreign workers a success, but they are celebrating an empty victory that hurts everyone in B.C. The 16 jobs in question at HD Mining’s Murray River Project near Tumbler...