Training Tuesday – Treat Me Tender (Laws)

There are rules around procurement in British Columbia and ICBA’s course Tender Law: Procurement in the Construction Industry aims to  provide a refresher and update on the current state of the procurement and tendering laws in BC. Keeping current on what rights...

The BC Budget and Construction Companies

There has been  plenty of commentary about the provincial budget delivered last week in B.C. The budget is balanced, which in the big picture is good. It sends a message to the global investment community that B.C. is a prudent place – and a safe haven for investment....

ICBA deal can help find workers

One of the challenges ICBA members face is finding the right person for the right job. With skill shortages looming in British Columbia, companies are having to look further and further afield for new hires. But small companies face a challenge – how do they tap into...

New online system for safety permits

Changes are coming to the online system system used by contractors to purchase their gas and electrical permits from the BC Safety Authority. While permits are currently obtained through the BC Online system, as of April 15 all permit purchases will go through a...

Heart of union argument is utterly incorrect

The B.C. Building Trades response to our recent Vancouver Sun column makes it clear that in their universe, it would be unions rather than companies who decide on which workers have the right skills for the job. ICBA responded with the following letter: Dear Editor...