IKEA must not punish loyal workers:

Things aren’t always what they appear to be, something that is becoming increasingly clear from the Teamsters strike at the Richmond IKEA store. It appears to be a David vs. Goliath battle, in which unionized workers faithfully toe the union line in a prolonged battle...

Canada Jobs Grant good news for B.C.

Having foresight and the fortitude to plan for the decade ahead is not an easy feat.  Minister Bond’s deserves credit for sticking up for B.C. on the Canada Jobs Grant file and for tackling the skills training challenge that looms. The Canada Jobs Fund and Canada Jobs...

Federal decision on New Prosperity Mine hurts B.C.

Rejecting Taseko’s proposed New Prosperity mine comes as a surprise and is huge blow to the future of B.C.’s economy and for the Williams Lake community.  Because of the federal government’s decision, 1200 construction workers will not have jobs and 500 British...