Pacific Northwest: Environmental Leadership

Like all major resource projects, Pacific Northwest has been through rigorous environmental reviews. The project received provincial environmental approval in November 2014 – with several significant conditions attached which the project proponents have committed to...

Pacific Northwest: Jobs for British Columbians

Across northern and other resource-dependent areas of B.C., many people and businesses are coping with a lot of uncertainty right now. Low energy and other commodity prices have resulted in belt tightening and layoffs, and nothing could be more welcome than a major...

Pacific Northwest: Paying for Essential Services

As British Columbians, we enjoy fantastic quality of life. We’ve come to expect the benefits of quality education for our children; world-leading health care services that meet the needs of an aging population; and safe, efficient and regularly renewed bridges,...

Pacific Northwest LNG: Let’s get it to Yes

Pacific Northwest LNG near Prince Rupert is a leading contender to become the first such project to actually start construction in B.C. – and that milestone isn’t far off. So it’s more important than ever that we demonstrate support, and keep up the push for a final...