Buzzfeed has basically built a business model out of listicles – you know, those Internet stories that start with “5 Reasons why the Green Bay Packers rule…” or “11 Ways Disneyland makes you happy…”.

Don’t usually read them, but recently they offered “17 mental health tips that have MASSIVELY helped,” so I took a peek. And they’re pretty good! A few that made me think – and may help you:

  • Gardening!
  • Quitting Facebook.
  • It sucks at how well exercise works. I used to hate my mom telling me that exercise would reduce my depression but she was absolutely right.
  • Practicing gratitude deliberately.
  • People severely underestimate what a tremendous impact sleep has on your day, productivity, and mood.
  • Having a routine.
  • Volunteering has given me a renewed sense of purpose!
  • It takes work, but having an objective professional in your corner makes a world of difference.

Each week, ICBA’s Jordan Bateman reflects on what we’ve learned as we participate in ICBA’s Workplace Wellness Program. ICBA’s Workplace Wellness Program is helping more than 100 companies and more than 10,000 construction professionals better understand mental health. This program is free for all ICBA members – check out for details.