ICBA, B.C.’s largest construction association, is pleased to offer our members information, analysis and recommendations leading up to the October 19, 2024, provincial election.

This election matters to all of us. We need a strong economy and smart leadership to make sure our community, our families, our jobs, our company, and our province all prosper. Don’t sit this election out: take the time to learn the issues, make a choice, and VOTE (advance polls Oct. 10-13 and 15-16 or Election Day on Oct. 19)! Need help? Check out the Elections BC website HERE.

Bookmark (and REFRESH) this page, share our material, and watch for new resources right up to Election Day! This information was transmitted to members of the Independent Contractors and Businesses Association and does not constitute campaign period election advertising.

ICBA is reviewing the platforms of the various parties—watch for our analysis, suggestions and endorsement.

Want us to connect you to a free enterprise, open shop construction-supporting BC Conservative candidate to tour your job site for photos and talk to your team? Email jordan@icba.ca with your company name and project locations and we will help you make that connection.

Short, engaging reviews of issues important to construction voters—share!

Issue briefs to share with your colleagues and employees—all on things important to open shop construction. Please take these memo drafts and amend as you see fit for your company’s individual situation.

  • NEW SEPT 24 — Customizable memo template on CBAs (the NDP’s scheme to freeze out 85% of construction professionals from working on taxpayer-funded projects
  • More coming soon!

Shareable graphics for your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

  • Like and share our daily Things to Think About This Election on ICBA’s Facebook and Twitter.

Join Jordan Bateman, Chris Gardner, Jock Finlayson and others on our ICBA Cast as we break down the campaign and issues.

  • Debuting soon!


Want to dig even deeper? See even more resources, background and important information below!

Interviews and information to help you better understand issues.

ICBA leaders write regularly about the issues facing B.C., with a special focus on economic and construction issues. Read these for analysis of B.C. problems, and our solutions and ideas.

Statistics and analysis of key issues facing the B.C. construction industry. Read and share these to shape thinking around construction and economic issues. If you love stats, data, and charts, you’ll love the Construction Monitor.

Want to get smarter on specific economic issues? Learn more about the state of the B.C. economy from ICBA Chief Economist Jock Finlayson in these posts (each has charts that can be shared on social media).