At ICBA this month, we have been looking at how we manage our individual finances, and how that can add stress and anxiety. One of the most helpful pieces has been material on how to manage holiday stress. Here are my takeaways:

  1. 📝 Make a List, Check it Twice: Just like Santa, I need a solid list for my holiday shopping, as it’s my best defence against overspending and stress. It’s just too easy to go overboard this time of year!
  2. 🎁 Keep it Reasonable with Gifts: Don’t get caught in the spending spiral just because everyone else is. We’ve had a heart-to-heart with family about our gift-giving limits. It’s okay to set boundaries!
  3. 🎅 Emotion-Proof My Shopping: I don’t make great decisions when I’m feeling stressed, exhausted, or emotional – so I best not shop at those times! Emotional buying can wreak havoc on a budget, even though I know expensive doesn’t mean better.

Be smart this Christmas season – at least that’s my plan going in!

Each week, ICBA’s Jordan Bateman reflects on what we’ve learned as we participate in ICBA’s Workplace Wellness Program. ICBA’s Workplace Wellness Program is helping more than 100 companies and more than 10,000 construction professionals better understand mental health. This program is free for all ICBA members – check out for details.