safe_image1. Safe

This pipeline has been operating safely for 60 years. Kinder Morgan and other members of the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association spent more than $1.4 billion last year on pipeline safety.


2. Responsiblesafe_image (1)

As this project is a twinning of an existing pipeline, it is a balanced approach to weighing the environment and economy compared to other proposed extraction methods such as using trains and building new pipelines. World class safety standards for construction and operation ensure British Columbians can be proud of the safe economic activity this project delivers.

safe_image (2)3. Real Jobs for Real Families
There is a lot at stake for our province and the construction industry and when a resource development proceeds. With Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion that means thousands of family supporting jobs. That’s skilled and semi-skilled labor, engineering, manu-facturing, financial services, and transportation jobs. During construction, workers in communities along the project route will spend $560 million on services including accommodation and food.



4. Pays for BC hospitals and schoolssafe_image (3)
The city of Burnaby alone will take in near a quarter
of a billion dollars in property tax payments over 20 years of operations on an expanded Trans Mountain line. Each year the city will receive enough municipal tax revenue to fund the Burnaby public library system with enough left over to fund 29 additional library staff positions. New revenue from the expansion could pay for 132 additional firefighters or the full cost of garbage collection every year. This is how we pay for the services we all need.

5. It is actually about BC’s global green leadershipsafe_image (4)

Canada’s experience with pipelines dates back to 1853. BC has always been a leader in environmental policy. If we can not handle pipelines responsibly and safely here in BC then where in the world do we expect it to be done right?