The 2012 BC Building Code and 2014 Vancouver Building By-law have new energy efficiency requirements for Part 3 buildings that come into effect December 20, 2013 These new standards are ASHRAE 90.1 2010 and NECB 2011, and have been adopted in parallel allowing designers to select one or the other.
BC Hydro, the Province of BC Building and Safety Standards Branch, The City of Vancouver, The Architectural Institute of BC (AIBC) and The Illuminating Engineering Society of BC (IES) have collaborated to provide professionals with a series of affordable training opportunities specifically tailored industry specialisations. All of the sessions are taught by local leaders in their field and are designed to provide designers with the specific information relevant to their work. All of the training units will comprehensively cover the new building code and building by-law energy requirements, as well as both ASHRAE and NECB requirements, and will identify where the standards will specifically differ.
The training occurs in half day sessions (approximately 3 hours in length) starting Tuesday November 26, 2013 through Thursday December 5, 2013. The cost of each session is $110.00*. Use the links provided below to register. More information on instructors and specific topics covered can also be found in the host partners’ websites. All of the courses qualify for 3 core AIBC Learning Units. Click here for registration and login details.