Southern Vancouver Island contractors can tap into what’s happening with contracts at B.C. Hydro at a special session being held June 25 at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Victoria.
Over the past year BC Hydro has been working closely with the construction industry to implement initiatives in response to industry feedback. A key initiative for Hydro has been the review and revision of the construction contract. An industry working group was formed, and the contract reviewed and revised. The focus of this work is to make it easier for BC Hydro stakeholders to work with the construction document, and to make it easier for contractors to bid on opportunities. The new construction contract was implemented on January 2, 2013.
The session will offer need to know information for contractors who are currently working, bidding on working, or planning on working with BC Hydro. It’s timely because in addition to the new construction contract, BC Hydro is in the midst of an exciting time for construction, with many new projects planned and many currently in flight. To successfully deliver on its capital plan BC Hydro must continue to count on the skills and know-how of all its contractors.
The plan includes a large number of projects of varying size, value and complexity in many geographic locations in British Columbia. Work is anticipated to range in type with examples being town sites, recoating of gates and penstocks, fire protection, concrete and many others.
Please join ICBA and its partners from other construction associations as we host information sessions with BC Hydro over the coming weeks to hear about the new construction contract as well as upcoming capital projects. Initial sessions will be held in Vancouver and Kelowna. Sessions will be held in the North and on Vancouver Island in the early summer.
You MUST pre-register for the session by emailing Sabine Just from ICBA sabine(at)icba(dot)ca.
Speakers will specifically discuss the following:
- Recent changes to BC Hydro’s construction contract and how these impact you
- Upcoming BC Hydro projects
- Q&A and open discussion
Where and When:
Date: June 25, 2013
Time: 9 am – noon
Location: Hotel Grand Pacific, 463 Belleville St, Victoria
Parking is $2/hour or $7 for the whole day
Registration: email Sabine Just at sabine(at)icba(dot)ca
There is a group rate for rooms at the hotel. Please refer to the following for the group rate:
“Contractor Info Sessions – BC Hydro New Construction Contracts – VICA, ICBA, B.C. Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association, BC Hydro”